New World Tarantulas
New World Tarantulas are species found primarily in North, Central, and South America as well as their surrounding islands. Most NW species tend to be known for their primary defense mechanism, urticating hairs. These hairs come in six different types and effect animals differently depending on the type that a species has. It is type three and four that cause the most discomfort for humans. These can cause inflammation, itching, and rashes depending on the severity and species, as well as an individuals personal sensitivity to them. Side effects can last from several hours to several days. While most cases it is considered a mild discomfort or irritation, there have been rare instances where urticating hairs have made their way into the cornea of the eye and resulted in the need for surgery.
It should be noted that while most NW species have urticating hairs, not all of them do, as well as even with urticating hairs as a primary defense all tarantulas are venomous. While it is true there has yet to be a documented case of death due to tarantula venom, caution is still advised. A large number of NW species venom is comparable to that of a bee sting, however some species have a more potent bite and may require medical attention if bitten.
NW Species generally tend to have a more calm if not docile temperment to them. This is what makes them ideal for beginners when entering the tarantula hobby. They generally do not move as fast as most OW species and are not prone to readily resort to biting if they have urticating hairs. However it should be noted no matter the species or how docile it is believed to be, if handled the potential for being bitten is always there.