Grammostola porteri
Grammostola porteri is commonly referred to as the Rose Hair tarantula. One of two species actually known under this common name and for a long time was believed to be G. rosea. However it has been discovered that G. porteri and G. rosea are in fact two different species and most Rose Hair tarantulas people have are in fact G. porteri instead of G. rosea like originally believed
G. porteri is endemic to Chile and are a terrestrial species. Known as a slow grower females of this species have been known to live twenty plus years. They are also known for fasting long periods of time and some have reported their G. porteri fasting for as long as two full years. Due to the level of ease in care they are a very popular species for beginners in the hobby. Our G. porteri was the second tarantula species in which we acquired.