A little bit about Happy Inverts
Happy Inverts is run by me, Ashley Conley, though my friends call me Rae. I am a stay at home mom of a very energetic little man by the name of Damion. Married to my wonderful husband Steven who is an over the road trucker. I am lucky enough to be able to stay at home to raise our son and be able to focus on our Homestead and Invert keeping hobby as well.
This blog originally was going to be only focused on our various tarantulas but has already grown to include other core elements in our lives that will have an effect on our invert keeping. Homesteading and gardening give it's own insights and experiences within the invert world and it's my goal to share the learning experience and help provide natural and kinder ways of living alongside the inverts we find in the wild.
With this being a newly budding homestead I hope to let people follow alongside us on this journey of becoming more self-efficient and cost-effective in leading healthier lives. Not to mention try and find ways to help those who live in the busy big cities also find ways to achieve some of what we manage to do here in our garden.