Roaches are normally commonly kept as a feeder for a variety of reptile and invertebrate species. They are easy to keep, easy to breed, relatively harmless, and depending on where you live and what species you keep wont become household pests. There are a wide variety of species out there and they all differ from one another.
I primarily focus on Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches and Dubia Cockroaches though I have been considering keeping other species for a variety of reasons. Due to the long maturation rate the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach is not a very good as a feeder unless massively large populations or being bred. Because I am one person with limited space these I tend to keep more as pets then feeders, though I have been known to feed my tarantulas a juvenile hisser from time to time.
Regardless to if they are a feeder or not however I do try and provide a good healthy environment for both species because I feel it is important to be as humane and considerate as possible. Especially considering the circumstances of their primary purpose, to feed other animals.