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Micro Fauna

Micro Fauna is the backbone of a bio-active set up. The two most common microfauna used are Isopods and Springtails. Both of these come in a variety of species and can require different environments to thrive. However despite their various moisture needs they serve the same purpose in any enclosure. Waste management.


Springtails commonly feed off of molds and fungus that can develop in a moist enclosure. They also will eat and break down decaying matter. The are absolutely harmless to animal species commonly kept in enclosures and help provide a healthy environment. A good population of springtails also can help avoid non-beneficial species from invading your enclosure.


Isopods are also known to eat fungus and decaying plant matter as well as dead insects and waste products animals leave behind. In fact Isopods will even eat their own waste, making them ideal as a natural means of tank maintenance. 


By having both Isopods an springtails in your enclosures it helps keep the substrate healthy which removes the need for rehousing as often as one would without utilizing this form of clean up crew. When using living plants in an enclosure micro fauna is essential to help break down leaves and other decaying plant matter left by living plants. They also help keep the soil rich in nutrients because they break down decaying matter which in turn helps plant growth.

My Isopod and Springtails Species

Currently I no longer have either types culturing and need to redo them both. I will be updating this as soon as I am able. Probably will not be till sometime in October.

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