Old World Tarantulas
Old World Tarantulas are primarily found in Asia, Africa, and their surrounding islands. Some species have also been found in Europe. Unlike NW tarantulas where most species have urticating hairs as their primary defense, OW tarantulas do not and rely solely on their venomous bite as a means of defense. While there has been no reported deaths due to a tarantula bite, a high number of OW species have medically significant bites that can cause cramping, spasms, severe pain and in some instances even cause nerve damage. As with any tarantula species caution should be taken when handling and rehousing regardless to being OW or NW species.
Due to their primary defense being to bite, this makes them more prone to biting when threatened. OW species are known for being quicker and more defensive when feeling threatened, this is why they are generally are not suggested for beginners in the tarantula hobby. In most cases should a bite occur it is best to seek medical attention immediately, especially if it is unknown the level of potency that species has to the handler.
My OW Tarantulas
Currently I do not have any OW tarantulas though I hope to rectify this as soon as we get our tarantula room sorted out in the new house we will be moving into end of September.