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Rain, rain, and a little more rain

So yesterday my plans to do yard work was halted by the rain. I have to say I was not disappointed in the least. We have been in desperate need of rain for a long time now, months even. For it to finally be here, lets just say I am not ashamed I did a little happy dance to celebrate. I also hope it continues to rain for the next few days, our firefighters and the other men and women who have been battling the wildfires out here need it.

Along with the rain came in a cold front that has put our temps in the 40's. So being wet and rainy it was a bit to chilly for me to go out and do a lot of yard work yesterday or today. Instead I've focused on getting the website updated to the changes I wanted to make on what the focus will be for the blog and get a few things moved over to the new house.

I figured today I will work on a good summary update to each of the various new topics I've created and get the starting points set up for them. Update a bit as to what all we have experienced prior to now and then I'll try and write daily about the events that take place as they happen.

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