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Lets bulldoze this place

So last week or so my G. pulchripes has been pretty interested in food and is capable of taking full grown Dubia roaches at the size that she is. Her name is Rogue and it's very fitting considering she likes to pretend she's a trap door spider most of the time.

She will barricade her burrow and close it up, then wait for some unsuspecting roach to walk over it and then suddenly it's not there anymore because she's dragged it down into her den to munch on. Of course this can make it a little difficult to tell if she's ready for food or not. At times I will wait for her to actually come out looking for food to make sure she's hungry.

Though today she's refused food, considering she's been well fed up till now I'm not to surprised, though she's been busy. Not sure why she decided to escavate the area on the opposite side where her burrow is, add some webbing then go back to her burrow. It was like she started to make a new burrow then changed her mind. I'm half wondering if this is a sign that she's not satisfied with her current situation though and instinct is driving her to look for a better place.

Which could be the case, she needs new substrate but until we move I've kinda got my hands tied on what I can provide her right now. There's no risk of mites or other possible dangers because it's kept so dry, which could be part of the issue and why she's looking elsewhere, I'm not entirely sure. Eventually though I plan to have all of my tarantulas set up in bio-active set ups. Just need to move first.

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