Spikey you fickle thing
So our G. porteri, named Spikey, molted in July. After near six months of fasting and being barricaded in his burrow. He is such a fickle eater and really has not taken to Dubia roaches when I switched over from crickets. Crickets always get a great feeding response out of him, but Dubia roaches its more of a 'Awww do I have to?'.
In fact I half feel that he keeps purposely taking them in as pets instead of eating them like he is supposed to. Before he barricaded himself in I had tried feeding him a few times. Leaving food in there over night, the next day they appeared to be gone. It wasn't until I went to rehouse him, redo his substrate that I found like six Dubia roaches residing in the dirt there with him. Needless to say he had been fasting more then likely for more then the six months I had counted.
Regardless though I've found cutting off the heads or prodding the roaches continuously seems to eventually encourage him to eat now. Going to keep working with him on it, though I'm half wondering if I need to keep another species of roach that doesn't burrow to ensure that he will eat, and maybe use them for my other shy eaters.