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It's clean

Today I was given 24 hour notice that our home will be inspected tomorrow by our landlords. They're currently working to put this house on the market, so they want to be able to take pictures. I hope some of my T's are out and about to make an appearance when they take a picture of the office XD.

However because of this, I went into 'Clean Mode' which resulted in getting a lot of things done that I had been procrastinating about. One of which was to get the office/tarantula room thoroughly cleaned and organized. Everything is back to being ship shape in here.

I also came across a Madagascar hissing cockroach nymph that had managed to escape yesterday when I was working to try and separate the two species. Lets just say with the amount of nymphs on both sides of the coin it's going to take a while before I manage to fully get them in their own bins once again. Honestly I didn't think that the one female hisser I had left was going to give birth when I put her in with the Dubia roaches originally.

Regardless though, I feel accomplished. On another note I have some 'FoxFarm' soil that I'm considering giving a chance as a substrate just because the G. pulchripes, G. porteri, and B. hamorii all need an actual substrate change. I'm just still hesitant to do so. It's all natural, chemical free, with natural fertilizers so I'm pretty sure that it should be safe. Buuuuuuuuuuut I'm still going to double check all the ingredients yet again before I make that decision, get some advice from others as well.

While my goal is to provide natural bio-active setups for all our T's and do tutorials and write about it all, I'm having to wait before I can really jump into it. Mostly because of this move. So for now a lot of my articles are going to be basic care things. While I plan to randomly update blog posts through the week on each of the T's and things that happen. I am only going to do one in depth topic focused article every Friday. At least for now while things are as chaotic as they have been right now.

This coming Friday I'll be writing about ventilation. I already started and have shared a google document on ventilation but I'm going to rewrite it and go into a little bit more detail and organize it a lot more. While I do want to do videos to go along with blog posts I'm still organizing my thoughts on how I plan to do those. Plus with all this chaos coming up with moving it may be better to hold off for a little bit, wait till we are in the new house before getting into video making.

Anyways. Woo! I feel accomplished today. I haven't eaten anything and it's 10:30pm here. I really need to figure out something before bed...Tarantulas kinda have it easy in that regard, they just snatch something and go with it. No need to cook or nothing. Down side is it's usually insects. Not sure who has the better deal in the end on that one.

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