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So She is actually a He

So our B. hamorii I originally believed to be female. Because it was a shy eater I named it Shy. With it's molt in July I came to learn it was actually male. I was having some very wishful thinking when I looked at the molt previous to this. Seeing flaps that weren't there and all. It takes practice and I'm still learning.

Regardless though he is still a shy tarantula even though he comes out more often then any of the others and sits out in the open. When it comes to feeding time very rarely does he seem inclined to eat when watched. So even though Shy seems more female of a name I think I'm going to keep calling him Shy.

I'm actually quite surprised at the rate that he's grown though. We got him last year around the same time we got our G. pulchripes and I have to say both him and Rogue have surpassed our G. porteri in size even though we've had Spikey going on two years now.

Now I had expected the G. porteri to grow slow as well, but I expected the B. hamorii to grow at a similarly slow rate, not surpass the G. porteri. Even more so considering they are both male. It's alright though, I don't mind. I plan to get a Euathlus sp. Red, and I have a feeling it's going to be much much slower in it's growth rate XD, especially since I plan to get a sling when we do get one.

Still though Shy is happy and healthy so far and seems rather content with his enclosure right now. I really can't wait though to get larger enclosures for them all and have them be bio-active with plants. It's on my list of things to do once we get settled in to the new house. I really can't wait to place an order from for the substrates and such he has to offer. They seem like they'd be well worth it long term.

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