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Yearning for Blue

So this past month in July our P. sazimai which still has yet to be given a name molted. I am still waiting to see that beautiful blue color that they are known for. It's at about an inch now in size, quite possible an one and one fourth inch, I'm not sure honestly I had it's molt but it was misplaced before I got around to measuring it.

Either way even if it was showing it's blue I wouldn't know it, it likes to stay tucked away in it's hide more often then not. I make it way to easy for them to set up good hidden burrows so they feel safe and secure but it doesn't always benefit me in terms of getting to see them often.

I'm hoping that as it gets bigger it'll feel less inclined to stay hidden so much though. So far with all the species I have, as they start to reach the three inch marker they grow more confident and will come out more often. Only time will tell, I'm also really hoping that it's female so it'll have that more vibrant blue.

I gave my hubby the task of naming it a few weeks ago, so far we call it the nameless one, I should probably bug him a bit and see if he finally thought up a name or not.

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