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The Status of my Roaches

So currently my Madagascar Hissing Roaches and my Dubia roaches are both in the same bin. Several months back I only had two female Hissers left and I actually didn't expect them to breed. I had started with ten with the hopes of breeding, but it took forever for them to finally give birth and then the offspring did not thrive very well.

However I now have quite a few young hissing roaches mixed in with my Dubia population. With the added Dermestid beetle larvae this time to help keep the bin clean of byproducts that would cause mold and fungus growth if allowed to go unchecked both my Dubia and Hissing roach populations are thriving. Enough that I am going to have to separate the two.

Right now I want to actually upgrade my Dubia roaches to a larger bin because they are doing so well and there are so many of them. Of course using bark slates instead of egg crates gives quite a few nooks and crannies for the nymphs of either species to hide in. So I am still working to think up a good method to sort through them. I have a feeling it'll take some time before I have them both fully sorted out from one another however.

Both species I want to give a full substrate upgrade as well, just as soon as we get moved into our new house! Currently we are waiting to sign the paperwork to make it all official. With this massive change in our lives it's going to allow us to actually have a room dedicated to our inverts. I will have a much easier time managing high temps year round and should be able to have higher humidity set up too. That should help with some of my tarantula species and especially our roach species if I can make the ambient humidity just a little more then what it is naturally out here, it's normally quite dry in Montana.

With that though I have been considering looking into another species of roach to use as a feeder, to give more variety in diet as well as hoping to spark a better feeding response from some of my more shy eaters. Like Spikey, our G. porteri who is more inclined to have pet Dubia live with him then eat them.

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