It just wont molt

So in the month of July all of my tarantulas molted, with the exception of C. cyaneopubescens currently named 'Vulcan'. I'm suspecting that it's male, mostly because it seems more leggy then holding a lot of bulk, but this is the first of this species I've kept so I could easily be wrong on that. I wont know till it molts...
Which brings me to the fact that it has been in pre-molt for weeks now. Has sealed off the entrance to it's burrow, though I can still see inside easily enough. Refusing food, all the classic signs of pre-molt but it just will not get it over with already. I have been able to sex all of my tarantulas except this one and our P. sazimai which is still a bit small for me to tell. Once Vulcan molts because of it's size I should easily be able to tell it's sex, but of course Vulcan is taking its sweet time.