Gromphadorhina portentosa
Gromphadorhina portentosa also known as the Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches are obviously from Madagascar and considered one of the largest cockroach species. There are actually twenty known hissing cockroach species out there, though the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach is the most famous of them.
This species is very commonly kept in the pet trade and also one of the go to species of cockroach that

you see in various movies and t.v. shows. Contrary though to their displayed nature in movies over dead carcasses and rotting flesh these feed primarily on vegetation.
While they have grown more popular in the pet trade, either as pets or treats for pets, they have in some circles even become a fashion statement. Adorning adult roaches with fake gems glued to their exoskeleton and then letting the animal cling to their clothing. Due to the fact that they stop molting upon reaching maturity it can be argued whether or not this practice is actually harmful to the animal.
This species is a much slower growing species, taking several months for gestation as well as being live birthers. They require warm temps in order to breed and can take up to two years to reach maturity and can live up to five years in captivity.
I find this species to be lots of fun to keep and take care of. However they can be a little difficult simply due to the fact that they can scale smooth surfaces like glass quite easily. Precautions have to be taken to avoid any escapes that could occur if not housed properly. Due to their long gestation and requiring high temps to procreate however these generally do not run a threat of becoming a pest or invasive in regions that have below freezing temps in the winter months.