The Ducks
Originally I wanted to go with chickens, I wanted to be able to have our own egg layers as well as harvestable for meat. However chickens can be really noisy and if I were to have a male to breed like I want...well let us just say a rooster in town isn't going to win over the neighbors.
While I've read Ducks are more challenging to care for, they do have a lot of pros that make them better than chickens. And well I and my husband both really like the taste of duck.
I'm still in the process of trying to find out if it will even be possible to own ducks in town. I'm also trying to do all of my research on care and the different breeds. Not to mention my pond project will have to be done before we can get them. But until then I can share what I learn and then share the experience when it comes time to start raising.